Perception is Not Reality

Sometimes, stupid things happen in our lives. It is inevitable. That's the bittersweet truth of life. We can control everything that's happening around us if we have the right perception and attitude. May it be someone saying you are foolish or condescending, some things that make you feel awkward at times, or someone trying to bash you everytime they want, or some things that irritate you at an instant, or simply someone who hates you for no reason at all. Those things, we cannot control. What we can control, however, is our thoughts and emotions. The perception towards those things is what really matters - on how those experiences can help us grow into a mature individual, or just on how it will affect our openness to others. Sometimes, we also tend to do stupid things. Silly stuff that will make us cry. In the long run though, it will just be those things we laugh at when we remember them. It hurts at first. The feeling is heavy. But that's part of it. At some point in our lives, we will have to let it go in a snap, and when we remember those things, we realize how far we've been through and how more solid our character and personality has been. Indeed, perception is not reality. Perception is perception; reality is reality. It just depends on how we approach it, how we handle it, how we use it, and how we let it go.